Elevating experiences through collaboration.

In tune with the times and ahead of the curve, our digital team incorporates existing and emerging technologies to provide seamless user experience. They devise and execute action plans for branded social media content development, creation, and distribution across various digital platforms. With their wide range of expertise in digital media operations and technology, they turn vision into reality.

The public faces and voices of MBC Media Group, our talents draw millions of audiences. Their unique personalities and charisma have made them household names. They shape opinions, lift spirits, offer helpful advice, and captivate the public through their respective shows and programs. Compelling & credible, boisterous & beloved, our talents keep audiences company at home, at work, and on the go.

Unsung heroes, our production team works behind the scenes to help make each show, program, event, and campaign succeed beyond expectations long before launch. They streamline and enhance the production process, casting, coordination, and more. Through their artistic vision, technical mastery, and collaboration skills, projects resonate with audiences and are delivered on time and within budget.

Intent on forging productive partnerships, our sales & marketing team employ a collaborative approach aimed at understanding each client's individual business needs and objectives to customize sales strategies that connect people and brands. With their finger on the pulse of the latest market trends, every project is executed to achieve outstanding outcomes, bringing to life the distinct vision of each brand we represent.

Our engineering and IT team's technical expertise secures the seamless function of broadcast-related technologies, including hardware, software, and networking. They are responsible for the efficient maintenance and supervision of MBC Media Group’s vast multimedia infrastructure to guarantee smooth business operations, meet regulatory requirements, and relentlessly combat any hitches or glitches that may arise.

Our management support group provides vital services that enable MBC Media Group’s core business activities to operate efficiently. From governance and administration, finance, HR hiring, procurement, research, and other functions, management support comprises various divisions that influence the control and direction of MBC Media Group. Their able supervision of crucial management processes, structures, and mechanisms creates a solid working environment where creativity, collaboration, and innovation prosper.